This is a different way of looking at your money, and it will change the way you use money, and it will change the way you accumulate money. Obviously, it is simplified, and not exactly accurate. Finances change regularly, even daily, even by the minute. But for the purpose of understanding, 1 EQUALS 5 is an excellent formula that helps you understand the value of $1. Einstein said, “Those who understand it, earns it. He who doesn’t, pays it.”
Understanding is the first important step. Generally speaking, 1 EQUALS 5 is a fantastic personal financial coach. Imagine every time you make a purchase, asking yourself:
- Would I rather have a $1 soda now, or $5 later?
- Would I rather have this extra $10 item now, or $50 later?
- Would I rather have this additional $100 pair of shoes now, or $500 later?
- Would I rather have this new $1,000 bike now, or $5,000 later?
- Would I rather have a new $10,000 four-wheeler now, or $50,000 later?
The world of finance is infinitely huge, and everybody’s financial state is entirely unique. There’s not much we can do that affects the world of finance. However, we can control our own personal world of finance. And sometimes all it takes is some small TIPs that can have incredibly large impacts.
Congratulations! You are the CEO/President of the most important business in the world. Your world. Homes in Order will help you understand it. Then it’s entirely up to you to earn it.