The other day I was talking to a friend who had just returned from vacation. Like me, my friend is self-employed, and anyone who is self-employed knows the importance of learning how to save money. Being self-employed can be a fantastic thing! If I want to take a day off, I can take a day off. If I want to take a week off, I can take a week off!
The problem is that if I take a week off, it takes me a week to catch up on work, plus I took a week off. So, taking a week off when you’re self-employed is like taking two weeks off.
My friend had just been to Palm Springs to visit his parents. His parents now live a life of leisure! They live in Palm Springs, he golfs every day, they go to the pool when they want, and the only bosses they report to are each other. My friend said, “Woudln’t that be great? To just be able to go golfing and hang out by the pool every day?”
Benjamin Franklin’s words came to my mind:
A Life of Leisure and a Life of Laziness are two Things. (The Way to Wealth, Benjamin Franklin.)
Then I thought about my friend’s dad. We’ve never met, but I’m sure that he put in his hours of working hard so that he can now enjoy the life that he lives. He learned how to save money early, and now he is enjoying life. Golf and swimming every day? Good for him! To live in the retirement community where he lives is no small accomplishment. He earned it. He deserves it! A related Poor Richard maxim:
Employ thy Time well if thou meanest to gain Leisure. (The Way to Wealth, Benjamin Franklin.)
It wasn’t accident that my friend’s dad was out golfing at Palm Springs! He worked hard earlier in his life, and his hard work had certainly paid off. They’ve got their Homes in Order. He learned how to save money, and now his savings are supporting his Life of Leisure. Congratulations!