Imagine going to the store and seeing a $100.00 pair of shoes on sale for $227.54. Are you buying those shoes today? Of course not. Who would be crazy enough to do that? Well, actually, most of us do that every single day. Only, we do it with the most expensive purchase of our lives, our homes. And our shoes, clothing, food, transportation, etc.
Welcome to Homes in Order, The (Brand-new, Old-fashioned) Way to Wealth. Your financial journey will benefit greatly from a few simple TIPs. We have simplified the world of finance down to two simple equations, and when you understand and implement them, these equations will change your financial life.
Albert Einstein is often attributed to saying “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn’t, pays it.”
Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn’t, pays it.
Attrib. Albert Einstein
Our goal is simple: Help you save $100,000. And that’s just for starters. But to get to our $100,000 goal, you will need to understand the basics. You will need to understand the value of $1. And then, you will need to understand the value of $2.